11 Apr 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has emphasised the significance of collaborative endeavours between healthcare institutions and the media in shaping public perception and advancing health awareness.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi said engaging gatekeepers in media houses and journalists can improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of healthcare-related reporting.

"Hospitals can effectively communicate initiatives, achievements and impact on the community by cultivating robust relationships with journalists and media outlets", she said during a meeting with Bomu Hospital Public Relations and Communications Officer Rehema Ogana.

Ms Mudi noted that journalists need to be empowered with relevant training to enhance their reportage in data driven stories backed up with accurate data and insights.

Ms Ogana said the institution recognises the pivotal role the media plays in disseminating health-related information and in empowering communities to make informed decisions about their well-being.

She further stated the hospital intends to commemorate its 45th anniversary by showcasing its impact on affordable, quality and innovative healthcare services.

“We need to change the narrative surrounding healthcare in the region through strategic campaigns aimed at showcasing quality affordable health care services”, she stressed.

The two officials acknowledged the need to engage in collaborations with a shared vision of advancing healthcare, empowering communities and driving positive change through strategic communication and media involvement.